What is weight neutral dietetics?

A focus on health and function, not your weight.

The diet industry would love us to believe that you can only be healthy within a certain weight range. BMI is an unreliable measure of health, it was developed for statistical use only and using a white population. Not to mention that anyone with a bit of muscle ends up “overweight” and studies have found that people in the “overweight range” do not have a higher risk of mortality than people in the “normal range” anyway. Did you know that 95% of weight loss diets fail? That’s why we need a different approach to get you feeling better!

Weight neutral therapies focus on improving the symptom you are experiencing rather than just pushing weight loss to fix a problem (in traditional medicine for example, a larger person is often told to lose weight if they have knee pain, while a thin person is more likely to be offered x-rays or referrals to get physical therapy, orthotics or surgery). Weight neutral therapies treat symptoms, without getting stuck on your size.

In weight neutral dietetics your diet will still require changes, but you won’t have to go hungry, eat boring food or avoid eating celebratory food to get results. There is a chance your weight will change but it’s not the focus or the goal.

Sick of being judged or shamed for your weight when you just want some help improving your strength, your blood test results or gut symptoms? Get in touch!


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